Statement from U.S. Delegates

This statement is part of ongoing collaborative work among a coalition of U.S. delegates who share the goals named within.
The statement is also supported by the following groups and organizations:

Love Your Neighbor Coalition (LYNC)
Mainstream UMC
Methodist Federation for Social Action
Reconciling Ministries Network
Resist Harm

We, the undersigned full and reserve U.S. delegates to the 2024 General Conference, write with some urgency to share our hopes and aspirations for the upcoming worldwide gathering of United Methodist leaders. Our deepest desire is to foster greater unity in the Church while recognizing our denomination's diverse theological, social, and contextual viewpoints [John 17:20-23].

Over the past five years, the U.S. Church has undergone a profound crisis caused by the deep conflicts exposed by the 2019 Special Session of the General Conference, the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, and the mass disaffiliation of 25% of our local churches. These events have strained our denominational ties, threatened our financial well-being, and shaken our understanding of who we are as United Methodists.

Yet, despite these strains, the 75% of the U.S. Church who have chosen to stay with our beloved denomination remain firmly committed to our worldwide fellowship. Additionally, as delegates, we look forward eagerly to meeting with our United Methodist siblings from Africa, Europe, the Philippines, and other parts of the world at the upcoming General Conference.

We hope that the gathering in Charlotte, NC, will bear witness to a more perfect way of faithful service to Christ, who makes all things new and reconciles all people unto himself [2 Cor. 5:16-20]. Further, as the General Conference approaches, we pray that we may transcend the conflicts that have so long divided us so that our shared longing for a faith community rooted in love, mutual respect, and faith in Christ will be fulfilled.

As our portion of the Church commences a prolonged period of healing, reconciliation, and rebuilding, we have engaged in ongoing conversations and reflection with United Methodists from around the world to discern what changes we might make as a General Conference that might strengthen unity amidst diversity and allow enough flexibility for our various geographical regions to thrive. As a result of these conversations and with a spirit of humility, we share the following endorsements with all General Conference delegates.

Worldwide Regionalization: We support the Standing Committee on Central Conference Matter’s legislation (endorsed by the Christmas Covenant and Connectional Table), which would create distinct regional governing bodies in Africa, Europe, the Philippines, and the U.S. These proposed changes would expand the ability of regions outside the U.S. to adapt portions of the UM Book of Discipline, and, for the first time, would give the U.S. the same authority. We support this legislation because we are committed to greater self-determination and self-governance. We also believe that expanding regional decision-making will allow annual conferences within each region to thrive.

The Revised Social Principles: We support the adoption of the revised Social Principles as a much-needed restatement of our fundamental moral and social commitments as United Methodists. The eight-year revision process began with worldwide consultations, entailed opportunities for online feedback, and convened eleven writing teams comprised of members from throughout the global UMC connection. Commissioned by the 2012 General Conference, the newly revised Social Principles fulfill their mandates to be more globally relevant, theologically and biblically grounded, and succinct. The revised Social Principles provide a timely opportunity for reaffirming who we are as United Methodists.

Removal of Exclusionary Policies: We support the removal of all provisions in the UM Book of Discipline regarding the participation of gays and lesbians in The United Methodist Church. Added more than fifty years ago to address issues primarily affecting the U.S. Church, the current prohibitions have led to years of disagreement, conflict, and harm to those they have impacted. Removing the current language will create a new starting place for dialogue and learning. It will also remove a significant stumbling block to engaging all people in the ministries of the Church, particularly for local congregations and annual conferences ready to welcome LGBTQ+ people as full church members.

We hope that passing these vital pieces of legislation will strengthen our worldwide fellowship, foster greater unity in the midst of diversity, and ensure that many years hence, United Methodists worldwide will still be able to proclaim that we are one body serving one Lord of all. Until we meet at the upcoming General Conference, let this be our prayer: May the Lord bless you and keep you. The Lord lift his countenance upon you and give you peace!

Yours in Christ,

General Conference Delegates: 250
General Conference Reserves: 56
Jurisdictional Delegates and Reserves: 55

Last updated: April 17th, 5:30am ET

U.S. Delegates who wish to sign can click here.

Signers updated once daily

Mrs. Kelly Carpenter, North Texas, Lay

Rev. Dr. Jeffrey Kuan, California-Nevada, Clergy

Rev. Sara Isbell, Illinois Great Rivers, Clergy

Helen Ryde, Western North Carolina, Lay

Rev. Dr. Pamela Rowley, New Mexico, Clergy

Mr. Derrick Scott III, Florida, Lay

Rev. Alka Lyall, Northern Illinois, Clergy

Rev. Dr. Tim Bruster, Central Texas, Clergy

Rev. Alex Shanks, Florida, Clergy

Rev. Andy Bryan, Missouri, Clergy

Rev. Katie McKay Simpson, Louisiana, Clergy

Jesi Lipp, Great Plains, Lay

Rev. Dr. Sam Powers, Oklahoma, Clergy

Rev. Dr. Cynthia Weems, Florida, Clergy

Paul Gomez, Desert Southwest, Lay

Pat Luna, Alabama-West Florida, Lay

Rev. Effie E. McAvoy, New England, Clergy

Mr. Donald McCammon, Mountain Sky, Lay

Rev. Molly Vetter, California-Pacific, Clergy

Rev. Clarke Campbell-Evans, Florida, Clergy

Dr. Randall Miller, California-Nevada, Lay

Rev. Dr. Ianther Mills, Baltimore-Washington, Clergy

Jan Nelson, Oregon-Idaho, Lay

Rev. Nate Nims, Iowa, Clergy

Mr. Dave Nuckols, Minnesota, Lay

Rev. Ginger Gaines-Cirelli, Baltimore-Washington, Clergy

Rev. David Livingston, Great Plains, Clergy

Rev. Clayton Oliphint, North Texas, Clergy

Mr. Caleb Parker, North Carolina, Lay

Rev. Paul Perez, Michigan, Clergy

Jim Allen, Tennessee, Lay

Rev. Jenny Arneson, Wisconsin, Clergy

Rev. Dr. Giovanni Arroyo, Baltimore-Washington, Clergy

Mr. Scott Atnip, Texas, Lay

Dr. Martha Banks, East Ohio, Lay

Rev. Lindsey Baynham Freeman, Virginia, Clergy

Mr. Jay Brim, Rio Texas, Lay

Rev. Dr. James Howell, Western North Carolina, Clergy

Rev. LaTonya Calderon, Iowa, Clergy

Rev. Andy Call, East Ohio, Clergy

Rev. Adam Hamilton, Great Plains, Clergy

Rev. April Casperson, West Ohio, Clergy

Rev. Kim Tyree Ingram, Western North Carolina, Clergy

Rev. Elizabeth Ingram Schindler, Pacific Northwest, Clergy

Rev. Eric Swanson, Illinois Great Rivers, Clergy

Rev. Rebekah Sweet, Upper New York, Clergy

Rev. Jeffrey Taylor, West Virginia, Clergy

Cynthia Taylor, Baltimore-Washington, Lay

Rev. Dawn Taylor-Storm, Eastern Pennsylvania, Clergy

Mr. Ian Carlos Urriola, Upper New York, Lay

Rev. Jason Valendy, Central Texas, Clergy

Mrs. Carmen FS Vianese, Upper New York, Lay

Rev. Dr. Terry Walton, North Georgia, Clergy

Ms Margaret Washington, Louisiana, Lay

Rev. Dr. Beverly  Wilkes-Null, Illinois Great Rivers, Clergy

Rev. Dr. Jay Williams, New England, Clergy

Mrs. Alisa Isaacs-Bailey, Indiana, Lay

Carlene Johnson, Florida, Lay

Amy Johnson, Western North Carolina, Lay

Rev. Corey Jones, Florida, Clergy

Rev. Karen Kagiyama, North Georgia, Clergy

Rev. Justin Coleman, Texas, Clergy

Rev. Dr. Nora Colmenares, North Georgia, Clergy

Dr. Elizabeth Corrie, North Georgia, Lay

Rev. Ashley Crowder-Stanley, Western North Carolina, Clergy

Dr. Colette Cummings, Missouri, Lay

Rev. Darryl Dayson, Western North Carolina, Clergy

Ms. Amy DeVore, Western North Carolina, Lay

Rev. James Doepken, Alaska, Clergy

Rev. Dr. Drew Dyson, Greater New Jersey, Clergy

Rev. Dr. Jennie Edwards Bertrand, Illinois Great Rivers, Clergy

Rev. Carter Ellis, Western North Carolina, Clergy

Ms Kathleen FitzJefferies, Western North Carolina, Lay

Mr. Mike Ford, Central Texas, Lay

Ms. Rachel Fullerton, North Georgia, Lay

Rev. Beth Givens, Virginia, Clergy

Jessica Gobel, Wisconsin, Lay

Rev. Janice Griffith, Illinois Great Rivers, Clergy

Rev. Grace Han, Virginia, Clergy

Mr. Warren R Harper, Virginia, Lay

Havaleh Havelka, Western North Carolina, Lay

Ms. Jo Anne Hayden, Alaska, Lay

Rev. Dr. Sally Haynes, Missouri, Clergy

Kara Heagel, Dakotas, Clergy

Mr Anish Hermon, Illinois Great Rivers, Lay

Rev. David Hockett, Western North Carolina, Clergy

Mr Jay Horton, North Georgia, Lay

Rev. Dan Hurlbert, Desert Southwest, Clergy

Ms Nadia Kanhai, Northern Illinois, Lay

Rev. Emily Kincaid, Alabama-West Florida, Clergy

Shandon Klein, North Texas, Clergy

Mrs. Tonya Lanier, Western North Carolina, Lay

Rev. Dr. Beth LaRocca-Pitts, North Georgia, Clergy

Rev. Dr. Eric Lee, North Georgia, Clergy

Rev. Dr. In-Yong Lee, Western North Carolina, Clergy

Thomas Lewis, East Ohio, Lay

Ms Linda Linfors, Western North Carolina, Lay

Deaconess Dr. Judith  Pierre-Okerson, Florida, Lay

Ms. Micheal Pope, California-Nevada, Lay

Ms. Shannon Priddy, Indiana, Lay

Ms .Karen Prudente, New York, Lay

Rev. Luis F Reyes, Northern Illinois, Clergy

Rev. Elizabeth Roberts, North Carolina, Clergy

Rev. Dalton Rushing, North Georgia, Clergy

Josh Shaw, Memphis, Lay

Rev. Josh Sherfey, Western North Carolina, Clergy

Matthew Sink, Western North Carolina, Lay

Rev. Dawn Skerritt, Mountain Sky - Yellowstone, Clergy

Gayla Jo Slauson, Mountain Sky - Rocky Mountain, Lay

Rev. Jeremy Smith, Oregon-Idaho, Clergy

Mx. Rye Standifer, Florida, Lay

Rev. Joshua Stueve, Northwest Texas, Clergy

Rev. Ben Williams, North Carolina, Clergy

Laura Witkowski, Michigan, Lay

Ms Rachel Wright, Rio Texas, Lay

Rev. Carol Zaagsma, Minnesota, Clergy

Ms. Sarah Ford, Baltimore-Washington, Lay

Rev. Dr. Geoffrey Lentz, Alabama-West Florida, Clergy

Mrs. Karon Mann, Arkansas, Lay

Mrs. Monalisa Tu'itahi, California-Pacific, Lay

Susan Newton Graebe, North Carolina, Lay

Tom Lee, Tennessee, Lay

Ms. Jill Gaynor, Virginia, Lay

Rev Brian Oliver, Iowa, Clergy

Rev. Katie Dawson, Iowa, Clergy

Rev. Tim Bonney, Iowa, Clergy

Rev.  Magrey deVega, Florida, Clergy

Rev Amy Lippoldt, Great Plains, Clergy

Rev. Matt Miofsky, Missouri, Clergy

Mr Kenneth Ow, Baltimore-Washington, Lay

Ms. Clara Ester, Alabama-West Florida, Lay

Rev. Raquel Feagins, Rio Texas, Clergy

Mrs. Lindsay Drake, Iowa, Lay

Rev. Kaleigh Corbett Rasmussen, Greater New Jersey, Clergy

Alison Malloy, Virginia, Lay

Rev. Dan Bryant, East Ohio, Clergy

Rev. Dr. Brett Opalinski, Florida, Clergy

Ms. Emily Allen, California-Nevada, Lay

Rev. Chad Jennings, Iowa, Clergy

Alberto Hidalgo, Indiana, Lay

Alice Williams, Florida, Lay

Rev. Dr. Armando Arellano, East Ohio, Clergy

Mark Schneider, North Carolina, Lay

Rev. Cammy Gaston, North Texas, Clergy

Kristine Adams, Eastern Pennsylvania, Lay

Rev. Kim Jenne, Missouri, Clergy

Rev. Dr. Jonathan Page, Virginia, Clergy

Ms. Lynne Gilbert, Western North Carolina, Lay

Mele Maka, California-Pacific, Lay

Rev. Tom Lank, Greater New Jersey, Clergy

Alex Johnson, Iowa, Lay

Angela Hansen-Abbas, Iowa, Lay

Jessica Vittorio, North Texas, Lay

Mrs. Shirley Cauffman, Virginia, Lay

Nitza Dovenspike, Iowa, Lay

Rev. Dr. Mark Holland, Great Plains, Clergy

Rev. Sandra Bonnette-Kim, New England, Clergy

Lisa Bender, Susquehanna, Lay

Rev. Dr. Vicki Gordy-Stith, Peninsula-Delaware, Clergy

Mrs. Kathy Ezell, Central Texas, Lay

Rev. Dr. Charlotte Pridgen-Randolph, New England, Clergy

Rev  Leigh Goodrich, New England, Clergy

Rev. Dr. David Calhoun, New England, Clergy

Molly McEntire, Florida, Lay

Rev. Elizabeth Brick, California-Nevada, Clergy

Rev. Dr. Laceye Warner, Texas, Clergy

Rev. Rob Fuquay, Indiana, Clergy

Rev. Dr. Stan Copeland, North Texas, Clergy

Rev. Shelly Webb, Western North Carolina, Clergy

Gregory Huffman, Western North Carolina, Lay

Rev. Duane Carlisle, Indiana, Clergy

Ms Bobbi Ruddock, West Ohio, Lay

Home Missioner Steve Taylor, North Carolina, Lay

Mr. Bill Brownson, West Ohio, Lay

Anna Anderson, Illinois Great Rivers, Lay

Rev. Dr. Rhonda VanDyke, Virginia, Clergy

Jennifer Swann, Louisiana, Lay

Mr. George Howard, West Ohio, Lay

Martha Stokes, Virginia, Lay

Christine Dodson, North Carolina, Lay

Mr. Daniel Colbert, Baltimore-Washington, Lay

Mr. Todd Burris, Arkansas, Lay

Jen Peters, Michigan, Lay

Ms. Amy Forbus, Arkansas, Lay

Rev. Dr. Charles Boayue, Jr., Michigan, Clergy

Mrs. Gail Burgess, Wisconsin, Clergy

Rev Kevin Dembinski, Wisconsin, Clergy

Rev. Rebecca Trefz, Dakotas, Clergy

Rev. Natasha Murray, Arkansas, Clergy

Rev.  Andrea Kraushaar, Iowa, Clergy

Dr. Katelin Hansen, West Ohio, Lay

Rev. Dr. Michelle Bogue-Trost, Upper New York, Clergy

Dr. Scott Carlson, Wisconsin, Clergy

Mr. James Baty, Iowa, Lay

Rev. James Amerson, Rio Texas, Clergy

Rev. Melissa Warren, Iowa, Clergy

Dr. Ralph Oduor, New England, Lay

Ms. Clarita Anderman  Krall, Eastern Pennsylvania, Lay

Claire Holston, New England, Lay

Rev. Dr. Hammett N. Evans, Arkansas, Clergy

Ms. Kim Simpson, Central Texas, Lay

Nancy Pendergrass, Northern Illinois, Lay

A. Skylar Marston-Bihl, Pacific Northwest, Lay

Rev. Dr. Brian Gilbert, Northern Illinois, Clergy

Dr. Michael Roberts, Arkansas, Clergy

Nathan Lundy, Indiana, Lay

Donald Cramer, Wisconsin, Lay

Allan Lindsay, Wisconsin, Lay

Rev. Krysta  Deede, Wisconsin, Clergy

Rev. Allie Scott, Wisconsin, Clergy

Dr. Sarah Argue, Arkansas, Lay

Rev. Randall L. Robinson, Illinois Great Rivers, Clergy

Deaconess Roberta Bragan, New England, Lay

Rev. Elizabeth Lynn Kilbourne, Arkansas, Clergy

Mr. Scott Brewer, Great Plains, Lay

Rev. Cheryl Jefferson Bell, Great Plains, Clergy

Rev. Rachel Birkhahn-Rommelfanger, Northern Illinois, Clergy

Dr. Maxine Easom, North Georgia, Lay

Rev. Lisa  Schubert Nowling, Indiana, Clergy

Rev. Kathy La Point-Collup, California-Nevada, Clergy

Rev. Angela Brown, California-Nevada, Clergy

Rev. Paul Escamilla, Rio Texas, Clergy

Dr. Rob Vaughn, Virginia, Clergy

Rev. Jeffrey Mickle, Virginia, Clergy

Ms Becca Cramer-Mowder, California-Nevada, Lay

Mr. Michael Hsu, California-Nevada, Lay

Rev. Dr. Dale M. Weatherspoon, California-Nevada, Clergy

Rev. Meredith McNabb, Virginia, Clergy

Ms. Kathleen Mitchell, Iowa, Lay

Rev. Kirk Nave, Virginia, Clergy

Mrs. Rita L Smith, Northern Illinois, Lay

Dr. John Eugene Lammers, Alabama-West Florida, Lay

Rev. Dr. Todd Jordan, Texas, Clergy

Rev. Jeremy Deaner, Wisconsin, Clergy

Rev. Katie Pearce, Arkansas, Clergy

Mark Elder, Virginia, Lay

Rev. Dr. Stephen Cady, Upper New York, Clergy

Lindsey Middleton, Alabama-West Florida, Lay

Rev. Dr. Kristin Stoneking, California-Nevada, Clergy

Heather Pancoast, Florida, Lay

Rev. Amy Johnson, Iowa, Clergy

Mr. Oliver Green, Great Plains, Lay

Mr. Noah Spicer, New England, Clergy

Rev. Dr. Shannon Karafanda, North Georgia, Clergy

Rev. Anna Guillozet, West Ohio, Clergy

Rev. Sarah Schlieckert, Baltimore-Washington, Clergy

Rev. Alejandro Alfaro-Santiz, Iowa, Clergy

Mr. David Troescher, California-Nevada, Lay

Amanda Bulls-Stephens, California-Nevada, Lay

Rev. Richard Williams, Alabama-West Florida, Clergy

Rev. Amy Coles, Western North Carolina, Clergy

Rev. Kelly Clem, North Alabama, Clergy

Mr. Chris Schlieckert, Baltimore-Washington, Lay

Rev. Mike Luzinski, Florida, Clergy

Rev. Dr. Sharon Austin, Florida, Clergy

Ms. MarthaGay Duncan, Florida, Lay

Heidi Aspinwall, Florida, Lay

Rev. Vicki Walker, Florida, Clergy

Rev. Daphne Johnson, Florida, Clergy

Rev. Dr. Leo Yates, Baltimore-Washington, Clergy

Mrs. Chantelle Foster, Oklahoma, Lay

Mr. Jason Takagi, California-Pacific, Lay

Rev. Fred Lewis, Iowa, Clergy

Rev.  Austin Adkinson, Pacific Northwest, Clergy

Diane Brown, Michigan, Lay

Rev. Derrek Belase, Oklahoma, Clergy

Mr. Corey Shirey, Oklahoma, Lay

Dr. Mittie Quinn, Baltimore-Washington, Lay

Rev. Adam Shahan, Oklahoma, Clergy

Larry Anderson, Oklahoma, Lay

Ms. KC Curry, Oklahoma, Lay

Rev. Dr. Deborah Keller Allen, Florida, Clergy

Ms. Gayle Shearman, California-Nevada, Lay

Rev. Frank Wulf, California-Pacific, Clergy

Rev. Vidalis Lopez, Florida, Clergy

Kyla Powers, Oklahoma, Lay

Rev. Emily Sutton, South Carolina, Clergy

Mr. Robert Grizzard, Florida, Lay

Rev. Brady Whitton, Louisiana, Clergy

Rev. Jonathan Priebe, East Ohio, Clergy

Rev. Jared Gadomski Littleton, East Ohio, Clergy

Rev. Carrie Antczak, East Ohio, Clergy

Rev. Martha Swords-Horrell, Upper New York, Clergy

Bill Watts, East Ohio, Lay

Rev Dave Allen Grady, North Georgia, Clergy

Rev. Clare Chance, Florida, Clergy

Rev. Gregory Gross, Northern Illinois, Clergy

Rev. Dr. Beth Fender, Illinois Great Rivers, Clergy

Rev Dee Stickley-Miner, West Ohio, Clergy

Erik Slingerland, Illinois Great Rivers, Lay

Rev. Dr. Laura Norvell, Baltimore-Washington, Clergy

Rev. Sandy Olewine, California-Pacific, Clergy

Mark Stephenson, California-Pacific, Lay

Rev. Allison Mark, California-Pacific, Clergy

Melissa Lauber, Baltimore-Washington, Lay

Rev. Charla Gwartney, Oklahoma, Clergy

Dr. Dana Lyles, Western North Carolina, Lay

Rev. Patricia Farris, California-Pacific, Clergy

Rachel Gipson, California-Pacific, Lay

Judith Ehninger, Eastern Pennsylvania, Lay

Rev. Susan Leonard, South Carolina, Clergy

Rev. Dr. C Anthony Hunt, Baltimore-Washington, Clergy

Rev Megan Walther, Michigan, Clergy

Sydney Pappas, Illinois Great Rivers, Lay

Rev Dr Kate Jones, Wisconsin, Clergy

Rev Sheri Ferguson, North Alabama, Clergy

Deaconess Gail Douglas-Boykin, New York, Lay

Malcolm Frazier, Baltimore-Washington, Clergy

Mr. Richard Underwood, Virginia, Lay

Ms. Darlene Alfred, Central Texas, Lay

Rev. David Vaughan, Virginia, Clergy

Rev. Rachel Dupont, Upper New York, Clergy

Rev. Jasmine Smothers, North Georgia, Clergy

Lisa King, Wisconsin, Lay

Rev Mark Norman, Arkansas, Clergy

Rev. Carlos Ramirez, Oklahoma, Clergy

Rev. H. Eduardo Bousson, Great Plains, Clergy

Rev. Kirkland Reynolds, Baltimore-Washington, Clergy

Rachel Hagewood, Tennessee, Lay

Mrs. Christina  Krost, Illinois Great Rivers, Lay

Rev Stephanie Ahlschwede, Great Plains, Clergy

Mr. Kenneth Wolverton, North Texas, Lay

Courtney Blacksten, Oklahoma, Lay

Rev. Daryl Blanksma, Oregon-Idaho, Clergy

Rev Michael Mumme, Rio Texas, Clergy

Mr. James Stephen "Steve" Gardner, Florida, Lay

Rev. Anthony Tang, Desert Southwest, Clergy

Rev Timothy Riss, New York, Clergy

Rev. Dr. Jason Wellman, West Ohio, Clergy

Rev. Ashley Davis, Alabama-West Florida, Clergy

Julie Carter, West Ohio, Lay

Rev Chiyona Bourne, Indiana, Clergy

Rev. Dr. Matthew Williams, Florida, Clergy

Mr. Frederick K. Brewington, New York, Lay

Daisy Tavarez, New York, Lay

Katie Reimer, New York, Lay

Tiffany French Goffe, New York, Lay

Mrs. Roena Littlejohn, New York, Lay

Rev. Sherri Swanson, Michigan, Clergy

Ms Beverly (Nichea) VerVeer Guy, Michigan, Lay

Rev. Dr. Denise Smartt Sears, New York, Clergy

Rev. Lori Lampert, Missouri, Clergy

Rev Nate Berneking, Missouri, Clergy

Randy Biggerstaff , Missouri, Lay

Rev. Trista Soendker Nicholson , Missouri, Clergy

Mr. Jon Copeland, Missouri, Lay

Steve DeWilde, Missouri, Lay

Lee Highsmith, North Georgia, Lay

Ryland Fernandez, California-Nevada, Lay

Mr. Ivan James III, Missouri, Lay

Caroline Wood, Western North Carolina, Lay

Mr. Jorge Lockward, New York, Lay

Rev Nestor Nazario, East Ohio, Clergy

Mr Tracy Merrick, Western Pennsylvania, Lay

Ms. Donna Mosby, Holston, Lay

Rev. Dr. Jennifer Cho, Greater New Jersey, Clergy

Ms. Katharine Henry, California-Pacific, Lay

Dr. Mary Spradlin, Central Texas, Clergy

Dr. Karen McElfish, Virginia, Lay

Ms. Christie Latona, Baltimore-Washington, Lay

Amy Thompson, Missouri, Lay